Saturday, January 17, 2009

A special post!

YaY! So I have received my first blog award!
Thank you so much Kelly! I also have really enjoyed working on this project. It has really made life slow down a little. I stop to think about what I'm doing and to take pictures, so I'm definitely enjoying it. I love that it gets me out there taking more pictures! Thanks again Kelly!

We need to list 5 things we are addicted to. Only 5 what?!?! lol jk

1. My camera for sure...I lug that thing everywhere...I mean everywhere.

2. The history channel...anything that comes on is worth sitting kids and hubby might not think so lol but I do can be anything from sewing to painting to making bows...I love to make things.

4. Driving...It can be a trip to the store or just picking up my kids...being in the car feels like I'm doing something cool lol

5. Exfoliating...weird I know...but recently I bought a line of products through bath and body works and I can't wait to get into the shower everyday :) I have to remind myself that if I do it everyday it will probably make me raw lol

Now on the the next fun part! Unfortunately I have just started communicating with other bloggers in the blog-o-sphere so I don't know a lot of people (and the ones I do have gotten this award lol) So I'm am going to name the blogs that I visit the most often. Please check out there blogs too...they are all wonderful!

1. Kelly...yes you get it 2x because you take amazing pictures and I love coming to your blog everyday. (I swear I'm not kissing up lol)

2. Making it lovely- She's an inspiration in design

3. The nienie dialogues- and yay she's back!

4. Motherhood in NYC- hilarious and I love that she's not afraid to say what everyone is thinking

5. And last but not least...CJane Enjoy it, no explanation necessary.

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